SIZE: 112,482 sq kilometers
POPULATION: 7.4 million inhabitants
70% of populations is under 30 yrs of age.
Literacy Rate 25%
Schooling Ave. 5.2 Grade (Ave. of Hondurans have made it to 5th grade)
.09% Achieve University Level
70,000 did not enter school due to lack of resources
University only covers 10% of the population but only 1% go to University
Out of 100 that go to College, 50 drop out, 12 fail, and 37 get a diploma.
Life expectancy for women is 69, for men it’s 65
70,000 cases reported of AIDS, estimated over 300,000 UNreported cases.
23% of inhabitants live on 1$ a day (19 lps)
Human development is 116 of 177 in the Human Dev. Report of 2005 from UNDP: (Bolivia, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua are rated at the worse in World)
1.4 Unemployment Rate
Ave. Age to start working is10 yrs old
Ave. Age of those migrating is 22 yrs old
Legal Min Wage is Lps 2,750.00/month ($144)
Ave. Salary Lps 3,630.00/month ($191)
Lps 600,000 (President’s Salary)
Incentive for US Fast Food Companies to enter country:
They do not have to pay Taxes to HN Government.
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