I guess I fell off the blog wagon so to speak...
Here are some pics por lo menos and a brief update on how I have been during a unexpectedly muy pumpkiny November (I still have a 103 ounce can of pumpkin in the fridge, which I can't seem to make a dent in no matter how many pumpkin muffins I cook up and give away...
Below is my girl Patí, making banana tacos for the honduran cookbook I and some of the expert cooks in my town have been working on:
Next is a pic of the Holiday Bizarre at the US Embassy in Teguc. where various groups producing local craft-like work and supported by PCVs went to sell their products to the employees of the Embassy and anyone else who might have someone gotten into the Embassy past all the security. Overall it was a really successful event and the young, small business owners that came with me from our Asociacion de Microempresas AMICCOH in Cabañas all enjoyed themselves and we all definitely learned alot about our products and what else is being produced in the country. It was def a good way to motivate the group.

We plan to go to a feria in El Salvador early next year...In the mean time Jorgito is making me some CowGirl boots similar to the ones in the pic below:

With the same group of small business owners from AMICCOH, Laura (a near-by Business Volunteer), and I put together a two-day workshop on business basics and how to create a business plan. The workshop was alot of work, but Laura was great and the group we had from Cabañas and two other municipios were equally great to work with. Here's a group shot and one of us doing a dínamica called: prestame un martillo, where the participants have to pretend to hammer, iron, and then become a human blender...it's a bit hard to explain actually...

So that's it for now.
Currently in Tegucigalpa for a meeting to present the Project Citizen dillustrasions. I'll let you know how it goes...and hopefully post some of the designs.
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